
ParkdaleisaneighbourhoodandformervillageinToronto,Ontario,Canada,westofdowntown.TheneighbourhoodisboundedonthewestbyRoncesvalles ...,Toronto'svibrantParkdaleneighbourhoodisfilledwithdifferentcultures,highly-walkablestreets,andarangeofVictorianandGeorgianRevivalhomes.,TheVillageofParkdalewasproclaimedamunicipalityinJanuary1879;itbecameatowninJanuaryof1886andwasannexedbytheCityofTorontoinMarch18...

Parkdale, Toronto

Parkdale is a neighbourhood and former village in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, west of downtown. The neighbourhood is bounded on the west by Roncesvalles ...

What's It Like to Live in Parkdale Toronto, Ontario?

Toronto's vibrant Parkdale neighbourhood is filled with different cultures, highly-walkable streets, and a range of Victorian and Georgian Revival homes.


The Village of Parkdale was proclaimed a municipality in January 1879; it became a town in January of 1886 and was annexed by the City of Toronto in March 1889.

Living in Parkdale: A Neighbourhood We Love

Parkdale is one of Toronto's best neighbourhoods. Small boutiques, vintage shops & stunning Victorian homes. Discover this area with those who know it best.


Parkdale is Toronto in a microcosm: eclectic, artsy and ever-changing. This west-end neighbourhood boasts a rich immigrant history, with waves of Polish, ...


The Parkdale neighbourhood is approximately bounded by the lake to the south, Roncesvalles Avenue to the west, the railway tracks to the north, and Dufferin ...

The Town of Parkdale and the Village of Brockton

Parkdale, after almost 10 years as an independent corporation, voted in October 27, 1888, to join the city of Toronto. It had begun as a residential suburb.


The Parkdale neighbourhood possesses many positive attributes. It has some of Toronto's most vibrant shopping districts, wonderful tree lined streets, ...

HELP! What is Parkdale neighborhood like? - Toronto

One of the best neighborhoods in the city. Colourful, lively. There are people with mental health issues, artists, great bars, great restaurants ...